Easter Verses

This hand-made card's to say
Have a basketful of Springtime Smiles
And a happy Easter Day
This is a special hand made Easter card
With a message to impart
May you enjoy some Springtime magic
These words are from the heart
Easter duck and Easter chick,
Easter eggs with chocolate thick,
Easter hats for one and all,
Easter bunny makes a call!
Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things!
Happy Easter
Happy Spring
Happi Ness
May this card bring
Easter verses
Happy Easter
To a good egg
For renewal of life
For birds that sing
Thanks for Easter
Thanks for Spring
Have the happiest of Easters
And the springiest of Springs
Have a very happy Easter
And may you find
Spring has left
The Winter behind
Eggs-traordinary Easter verses, poems for your free use
Happy Easter
To you and yours
It means so much at Easter time
To keep in touch with friends
To wish them happiness and cheer
And joy that never ends.
This brings heartfelt greetings
Especially for you
Together with best wishes
For a happy Springtime too.
Jesus is the reason
For the Easter season
Easter verses
Again the Easter season's here
Bringing with it too
Happy thoughts of those who mean
So much the whole year through.
And this comes to wish you all the joy
That Easter ever brought
And then to let you know again
You're very close in thought.