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Virgo Characteristics

Welcome to Virgo Characteristics which brings you the personality traits of those born under the Zodiac sign Virgo which rules the astrological sixth house. This page has been created to help you understand how the astrology sign someone was born under influences who they are now, and how they behave.

 (Aug 23 -Sep 22)
 is the mutable/earth sign.
Virgos adapt to different people and situations by finding ways to make themselves useful. To hide their vulnerability, they focus attention on what they're doing rather than who they are. To deflect attention away from themselves, Virgos will also focus on other people by praising their talents and virtues, or by criticizing faulty behavior or personal imperfection.Virgoans are modest , reserved and practical. However, this does not detract them from engaging in lively discussions to express their thoughts and ideas. They are hard workers inclined toward efficiency and  little tolerance for nonsense. They can focus on  the smallest of details in both their conversations and this causes them to miss the big picture. Because of their penchant for perfection, they can become indecisive, not knowing where is 'good enough' and elevated nervous energy drives them into a fit of worry.  Many relationships are damaged or lost when Virgo can't control the urge to criticize and complain.

Virgo Characteristics

Sensitive to the environment with delicate nervous systems; particularly susceptible to dietary issues; usually sweet-natured and tactful, self-effacing, quiet; strong need for order and routine; ability to organize, though this activity is a nuisance; good at research and inductive reasoning; sometimes gets caught in details and misses the bigger picture; the Inner Critic is the worst enemy.  Usually marry, but actually are often happier in the single life.

Before leaving the subject here's the traits common to the Earth Signs of which Virgo is one

Virgo Characteristics

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are usually solid and dependable, just as the ground beneath us. They are gifted at manifestation in the concrete world and take pleasure in finding useful purposes for everything. Earth signs are natural recyclers--they deplore wasted resources of any kind. The disadvantage of Earth signs is that too often attention is focused on material production. They can become caught in repetitive ruts, forgetting to use their imagination. Earths frequently attract fire signs into their lives to provide an element of excitement and change. But then, of course, the Earths must deal with anxiety over what the more unpredictable fires might do next. The dance of life continues.